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WordPress Tips and Tricks

Top 10 WordPress Tips & Tricks every blogger must know in 2022

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems worldwide for a reason. It’s easy to use, powerful, and free.

The platform is known to power the world wide web at a rate of 42.9% to a market share of 64.1% of all content management systems according to W3techs.

WordPress is a fantastic tool for bloggers, but it can be a bit confusing and difficult to understand at first however  It’s easy to use and you don’t need any technical background to get started with it.

It has evolved significantly over the years, from a simple blog to a CMS.

It allows you to create any type of website today.

WordPress and WordPress themes can help you create a great website for anything from a personal blog to an e-commerce site to a niche social network.

It’s 2022, and you’re a blogger. You know how to make your site look pretty, and you’ve got the basics down. But if you want to take your blog to the next level, there are some tips and tricks that can help you get there and fast.

Here are 10 WordPress tips every blogger should know:

10. Use plugins to make your life easier

If you’re a WordPress user, you know how important plugins are. They can make your life so much easier when it comes to managing your content and sites.

There are hundreds of plugins available for WordPress. Plugins are used to add functionality to your site, make it easier to use, or give it extra features. For example, the JetPack plugin adds a new menu item to your dashboard that allows you to access important statistics about your site and make changes through an administrative panel.

Plugins are easy to install, and most of them are free. There are many different types of plugins available for WordPress: security plugins, analytics plugins, social media plugins and so much more! The best part about using plugins is that they can help you save time and effort by doing things automatically for you (like sending out scheduled tweets) or by making it easier for you to do something manually (like adding contact forms).

9. Create custom post types for specific content on your site

If you have a lot of different types of content on your site, you can create custom post types and then use them as templates for each type.

For example, if you have a blog and want to have an archive page that shows all the posts in order of when they were published, you could create a custom post type called “Archives” and use it as a template for displaying all the posts.

To do this, go to the admin panel on your site and then click “Posts.” Then click the “Add New” button at the top of the screen.

In the box that appears, click on “Custom Post Type” and select “Archive.” Once you’ve done this, you’ll see a new option called “Archives” appear in the left column under Posts. Now you can use this as your template for displaying all your posts!

8. Make sure all of your posts have featured images

Featured images are great for your blog’s SEO and it makes your content more visually appealing.

The featured image is the first thing people see when they visit any of your posts, so it’s important to make sure that it fits with the topic of the post. In addition to being eye-catching, it also helps search engines determine what topics you’re writing about.

If you don’t have an image saved in your media library, no worries! You can just drag one from Google Images or another source onto this page while editing the post.

7. Use Google Analytics to track what’s working on your site

 Google Analytics is a great tool for tracking what’s working on your site.

You can find out which pages are getting the most views, where the traffic is coming from, and what people are doing once they’ve landed on your page.

It’s easy to set up and use—you just have to create an account, add your website’s URL, and then watch as all this valuable info starts rolling in!

6. Add social media buttons to the bottom of every post or page on your site

 Have you ever wondered why, on some sites, the social media buttons are always at the bottom of the page?

It’s because when people are reading a long article, they tend to scroll down. When they reach the bottom of the page, they’re ready to share—but not if they have to scroll back up.

So why not make it easy for them? Add social media buttons to the bottom of every post or page on your site.

5. Add a sitemap to help search engines find all of the content on your site easily

 A sitemap is a great way to help search engines find all the content on your site easily.

If you’ve ever used Google, you know that it’s not very smart about finding things on the web. It relies on other websites to tell it where all the good stuff is. That’s where your sitemap comes in.

A sitemap is a list of all the pages on your site and their URLs, like this:,, Search engines use this information to figure out what pages they should be indexing and how they should index them (in other words, how often they should update their index).

So how do you add a sitemap? You can either use an online tool or create one yourself (it’s not hard!). If you want to go with an online tool, we recommend Yoast SEO’s XML Sitemap Generator,it’ll take care of everything for you!

4. Add a contact form so readers can reach out with questions or comments

Adding a contact form to your blog can be a great way to engage with your readers and get feedback on what they like and don’t like about your content.

When setting up a contact form, there are some things to consider:

Make sure the email address on the form is yours, otherwise it will end up in spam (and could get you blocked by some email providers).

If you want people to be able to send attachments with their messages, make sure you have enough space on your hosting account.

Use a secure connection when sending messages using forms. This will protect against hackers intercepting messages in transit.

3. Set up a mailing list so people can sign up for updates from you directly through their email accounts 

If you have a WordPress website, it’s time to start building your mailing list!

A mailing list is the best way to keep in touch with your readers and let them know about new content, products, and events. It’s also a great way to build a relationship with your customers—and ultimately make more sales.

Here are three easy steps to get started:

1. Set up an email account with MailChimp or another service that sends emails in bulk.

2. Once you’ve set up your account, go to your website’s “Settings” page and select “MailChimp” under “Integrations.” Then follow the instructions on how to connect the two accounts so that WordPress will automatically send emails when something new comes out on your blog or website.

3. Create an email template for people who sign up for updates through their email accounts. This should include information about what they can expect from you (like monthly newsletters) as well as details about how often those emails will arrive (once every two weeks).

2.Be consistent with formatting throughout your blog posts

 Writing a blog post is hard. It can be really difficult to get started, and even once you’ve made it past that first paragraph, there’s still a lot of work to do.

But one thing that can make the process easier? Consistency.

When you’re writing a blog post, it’s important to be consistent with your formatting so that your readers can follow along easily and get the information they want. Here are some tips on how you can do just that:

1) Use bullet points instead of paragraphs whenever possible

2) Use numbered lists when appropriate (and they are!)

3) Keep line breaks consistent throughout the article

1. Image compression for faster loading times

 For years, we’ve been told that the key to faster loading times is to strip out all of our images and while there’s a lot of truth to that, it’s not the whole story.

If you’re working with large images, you can use a plugin called WP Rocket to compress your images without losing any quality. Just upload an image and choose the image format (JPG or PNG) and size (you can even customize this for different screen sizes!), and then click “Compress.” You’ll see how much space it saves right away!

WP Rocket

Then, when you upload your image to WordPress, you’ll get a nice little notification telling you how much space your new compressed image saved. This way, if someone visits your site on an older computer or device with slower internet speeds, they’ll still be able to see your awesome photos without having to wait forever for them to load!

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